Potentia is a sci-fi novel that explores how future tech, like 3D printing, can create superpowers and life-saving medicine. From electricity manipulation to eradicating diabetes, the future looks promising, but only to those who can afford it.
But why wait for the future when I can help out now?
If you don’t know me, I’m Joey Schmidt, the author of the superhero, sci-fi novel Potentia and someone who loves to get his hands dirty woodworking, 3D printing, and just making things that bring myself and others joy!
When I got my first 3D printer a few years ago I was overjoyed at making anything in the world (with some limitations) from cosplay props to custom furniture for my room. It brought back the child-like joy of playing with Legos, Bionicles, and Transformers. I remember the countless hours I’d spend on the floor entranced by my new toys.
And then it hit me.
The toys that I bought or was gifted weren’t that expensive, but they meant the world to me. To think that some children wouldn’t get to experience the same joy of getting lost in a world of play and imagination. It broke me.
So I want to fix that!
Join me in a 3D printing campaign!
For the entire month of November 2022, I’ll be running a campaign to 3D print toys to give to Toys for Tots, an organization that’s donated 281 million toys to less fortunate kids around the US for the past 75 years! Check out some of the toys below:

To help out, for every honest review that Potentia gets on Amazon OR Goodreads I will print 2 fun toys to donate for Toys for Tots! By the end of November, I’ll gather up all the toys and send them to Toys for Tots to donate to kids around the US to spread the joy of giving gifts!

Just follow these simple instructions to participate in giving back!
- Get your own copy of Potentia on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite online bookstore
- Leave an honest review of your thoughts on Amazon or Goodreads
- That’s it!
I’ll count all the reviews as they come in and get to 3D printing some fun toys!
Make sure to check back on this webpage for progress on how many toys I’ve printed and fun updates!
More ways you give back this Christmas!
If you want to give even more help check out the following ways to give back to your community this season:
- Donate monetarily to Toys for Tots
- Bring joy to a senior citizen by donate your time/gifts (join the Santa’s for Seniors facebook group)
- Volunteer your time or canned goods at a local food drive!
- Prepare thank you cards for emergency workers (firefighters, medics, etc.) who may not get Christmas off
- Host a small get together at your home and invite those who may not be able to be home with family
There’s plenty of ways to give back this season!