The Future of Crime Fighting: Collaboration in 2047

In 2047, the rise of superpowered individuals has brought extraordinary opportunities and significant challenges. Potentias are genetic enhancements that grant individuals superhuman abilities by modifying their DNA.

Aspera, a leading biotech company, has partnered with local law enforcement to address these challenges head-on, particularly in the fight against gangs and rogue actors misusing these enhancements. At the heart of this collaboration is the cutting-edge technology of Sniffer drones, devices capable of detecting trace chemicals associated with potentia use. These innovations have revolutionized how crime is monitored and controlled in urban areas.

Sniffer Drones: The Science Behind the Technology

Sniffer drones are equipped with advanced chemical detection “noses” capable of sniffing specific particles released during the activation of superpowers. These particles include ozone, hydrocarbons, and other unique byproducts when potentias are used. The sensitivity of these drones allows them to detect particles at concentrations as low as 0.01 ppm (parts per million), making them invaluable in pinpointing the location of active potentia users.

Key Features of Sniffer Drones:

Real-World Application: Fighting Gangs and Rogue Actors

The city of Prosperidad has become a testing ground for Aspera’s Sniffer drones, where they’re deployed in collaboration with local police forces. These drones have proven instrumental in breaking up organized crime networks like La Jauria and El Pacto del Diablo, gangs notorious for their misuse of potentias.

Case Study: Hostage Situation

During a hostage negotiation, Sniffer drones detected elevated levels of hydrocarbon residues outside the building where hostages were being held. These chemical traces indicated the use of pyrokinesis allowing the officers to adjust their strategy to prepare for potential fire-based attacks. Such a scenario demonstrates how Aspera’s cutting-edge technology could assist in safely neutralizing threats and protecting civilians.

To read more real-world-inspired cases like this, check out Potentia: The Genetica Saga. Available now.

Challenges and Innovations

Despite their successes, criminals have developed countermeasures such as chemical jammers to disrupt Sniffer drones. To combat this, Aspera has developed counter-jamming protocols, ensuring the drones remain effective even in high-tech crime scenarios.

How Aspera Ensures Ethical Use

Given the sensitive nature of chemical detection, Aspera works closely with law enforcement and privacy advocates to ensure the ethical use of Sniffer drones. Regulatory safeguards include:

Building a Safer Future

Aspera’s Sniffer drones exemplify how biotechnology and law enforcement can work together to address the unique challenges of superpowered crime. By combining cutting-edge technology with ethical oversight, Aspera is paving the way for a safer and more secure society.

Discover more about the world of potentias and the fight against superpowered crime in the novel Potentia: The Genetica Saga. Available now.